
Equality and Diversity

At St Julie Primary School we aim to provide equality of opportunity for all children whatever their age, ability, gender, race, religion, or background. We aim to create an environment that values each pupil and enables them to achieve their full potential. As an educationally inclusive school the teaching and learning, achievements, attitudes and well-being of every pupil matters, and our inclusive practice means that all learners are supported. We provide a broad and balanced curriculum that is accessible to all learners, providing the opportunity for all pupils to achieve their potential. 

The opportunities and experiences we provide enable all our pupils to participate fully and give their best across all aspects of school life. We place great value on the quality of relationships within our school community. We aim to develop a culture of inclusion and diversity in which success is celebrated and all those connected to the school feel proud of their identity and able to participate fully in school life. We will tackle discrimination by the positive promotion of equality and the creation of an environment which champions respect for all. 

Through our ethos and school values we emphasise the uniqueness of the individual made in the image of God. We celebrate diversity and promote acceptance and respect. Our broad and rich curriculum provides opportunities for children to regularly learn about, and be inspired by, individuals of all abilities from all backgrounds, cultures, genders, sexualities, religions and ethnicities. Representation and the celebration of differences is embedded throughout the curriculum and discussed frequently at every opportunity possible throughout the year. 


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