Home celebration and prayer: A journey through Advent

What is Advent?

Advent is the season of new beginnings.

A new liturgical year begins on the first Sunday of Advent and it beckons to us with images of transformation and hope. It is the season of the impossible becoming possible.

Advent is the time before Christmas. It begins on Advent Sunday, which this year is the 2nd of December 2018. We prepare for Christmas - for the birth of Jesus.  It is also a time for prayer, reflecting on past choices and how to make better decisions in the coming weeks. We remeber that we try to 'walk in the footsteps of Jesus' and help others with acts of kindness and charity.

The Advent Wreath

We are reminded constantly of the coming of Jesus, 'the 'Light of the world'. Four candles are displayed around the wreath and the fifth candle is set in the middle. A candle is lit each Sunday before Christmas Day:

On the first Sunday, a purple candle (the candle of hope) is lit.

On the second Sunday, a purple candle the (candle of preparation) is lit.

On the third Sunday, a pink candle (the candle of joy) is lit.

On the fourth Sunday, a purple candle (the candle of love) is lit.

On Christmas Eve or Christmas Day, the white candle (the Christ candle) is lit.


An Interactive Family Advent Prayer

If you choose to light the Advent candles, you may wish to share the following prayer with your family:

Parent: Lord, you are the light of the world.
Child: O Come, O Come, Emmanuel.
Parent: Heavenly Father, we long for your plan of rescue and redemption to be realized. Give us hearts that see Your beauty and wait in hope for You to make all things good and new again.
Child: O Come, O Come, Emmanuel.
Parent: May Your light and love shine brightly in our hearts, spreading hope and peace to those around us.
Child: Amen.

Advent in school

Please keep an eye on the school bulletin for the many activities taking place in school during Advent.

The parish bulletin is published on the school website and will keep you informed of Advent and Christmas masses/services.


Advent at home

Download the documents or click on the images below to link you to a variety of Advent prayers, crafts and activities.

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