
Useful websites for World War 1

War graves Commisison, ChristChurch, Eccleston. The site holds a database of soldiers graves. You must check the date of the grave if looking for WW1 soldiers.


Useful websites for Ancient Greece

BBC Children’s History
BBC history for children site gives lots of information on all aspects of Ancient Greece. A great site, easy to navigate.

British Museum Ancient Greece
Excellent site from the British Museum with loads of well presented information as well as stories and challenge.

The Olympics
Site all about the Olympics, not specifically aimed at children but lots of pictures and a good FAQ section.

Greek Myths
Site that gives information on key Gods and Heros in Greek Mythology. Not specifically aimed at children so parents advised to check content and there are adverts for online games on the site.

Ancient Greek Artefacts
Birmingham Museum School’s site has pictures of artefacts from Ancient Greece with information about them and what we can learn from them.

Greek Alphabet
Link to a simple but useful page giving the Greek alphabet.

Ancient Greek Gods, Heroes and Mythical creatures
Site with easy to follow information on all of the Greek Gods, as well as many of the charaters from Greek Mythology.

Winged Sandals
Very stylish animated site (flash or HTML version) by the Australian Arts council with animated versions of some of the Greek Myths as well as information, games and things to make.

Ancient Greece
History section of www.wingedsandals with information on with information on all aspects of Ancient Greece from Greek thinkers to Gods and daily life.

Great site created for children with all the Greek Heroes and Gods.

Myths and Legends – Animated tales
Quite simple animated myths and legends from around the world, includes some from Ancient Greece.



In history it is helpful to put events in their time order: CHRONOLOGICAL order.

Dates and events are put in order along a line:


OLDEST __________________________________________________________________MOST RECENT


For very old dates, the timeline is split in half. It is split into events BEFORE the birth of Jesus and AFTER the birth of Jesus:


Pyramids are built                                            Birth of Jesus                                                                     Now


                     BC                                                                                                 AD

                  ( BCE )                                                                                           (ACE)


We use the terms, BC and AD to describe which part of the timeline we are describing.

BC= BEFORE Jesus was born

AD= AFTER Jesus was born ( from the Latin Anno Domini)

You will sometimes see these written as BCE ( Before the Common Era) and ACE (After the Common Era). They mean the same!

Dates on a timeline: Be very careful when putting BC dates on your timeline - they tell how many years before Jesus was born. SO the closer you are to the birth of Jesus, the lower the number! Take a look:


The Anglo-Saxons

Who were the Anglo-Saxons?


What was life like in a World War One trench?

Ancient Greece

What do we know about ancient Greek culture?

How can I be an historian?

How can I be a historian?


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