
Welcome Year 6 Historians!

Please take some time to read the relevant Knowledge Organisers.

Autumn 1: Were The Vikings Vicious or Victorious?

This topic will explore whether the Vikings raided or settled and why.

Were the Vikings always vicious and victorious?


SPRING 1: How have medical breakthroughs affected the lives of people in Britain?

This topic will look at medical advancements and how life expectancy has changed from 1500.

Art: How a cow, a milkmaid, a boy, a genius and an 'ungodly' experiment led  to a medical breakthrough - Independent.ie


Summer: Who were the Maya and what have we learnt from them?

This topic will explore how early civilisations lived.

Useful Websites:

Maya Archaeologist: http://mayaarchaeologist.co.uk/index.php/pupils/

An introduction to the Maya: http://www.bbc.co.uk/guides/zqv6msg

Maya World  http://maya.nmai.si.edu/the-maya/maya-world

Life in the Rainforest: https://www.rainforest-alliance.org/kids/rainforest-stories

Visit the home of the Maya: http://www.nationalgeographicexpeditions.com/expeditions/chichen-itza-tikal-mayan-ruins-tour/detail

The Maya Project: http://mayaproject.org.uk

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