Do seeds grow better in soil?
Date: 30th Mar 2020 @ 8:14pm
Hello Year 2,
When I was making the conclusion video for our cress seed investigation the other day I thought of a new question - ‘Do seeds grow better in soil?’.
I have set up a new comparative investigation to answer this new question. We have learned that cress seeds do not need soil to grow but I wonder if they would grow better in the soil? I have put some seeds on cotton wool, some in compost (good soil) and some just in water. I have put the same amount of water in each bowl to help make our test fair.
Let’s se how they are getting on. They have all germinated, but have they all germinated in the same way? Do you think they will keep growing in the same way?
6th April 2020 - cress update
WOW, just look at these photographs!
The cress seeds have all grown shoots, but do they all look the same. The tallest plant in the soil is 6cm tall, but only 4cm in the cotton wool. The plants that have started to get green shoots in the water are less than half a cm tall.
can you think of any reasons for these differences?
Mrs Kernick