Year 3 2024 - 2025
Miss Pratt
Welcome to the Year 3 class page!
Here you will find information about Year 3 learning and day to day activities. Please see the curriculum tabs above for more detail about each subject.
Knowledge organisers can be viewed in the files for History, Geography, Art, Science and Music. These are useful tools to support the children in their learning. They outline key vocabulary, facts and the 'Sticky Knowledge' that we want the children to remember.
Please look at these with your children to help them remember their learning
What facts can they remember?
Can they explain the meaning of key vocabulary?
Go back and practise learning from knowledge organisers from earlier in the year
Go back to previous year groups - what can children remember from previous years?
The Year 3 Team are avaliable to help with any questions/queries you may have throughout the year, please phone/email the office and they will pass on any messages.
Thank you for all of your support with the children's learning!
Team Year 3
St. Julie pray for us, protect us and bless us.
Files to Download
Year 3: School Calendar items
Y3 Trip to Delamere, by Mrs Mooney
Y3 Marvellous Maths, by Mrs Mooney