
Year 3 homework

Core homework will be set via Teams on a Friday to be returned for the following Friday. The core homework should always be returned via Teams unless stated otherwise. The children will also bring home spellings on a Monday to practise for their weekly spelling quiz which will take place each Monday morning. Please let me know if you need any help or further information.

Core Homework:
Comprehension/ Writing/ Maths -15/20mins max
Set alternate weeks (Return via Teams each Friday).
Reading -10/15mins each night
Please read each night with your child. This can be a combination of the banded book that they bring home from school, Bug Club which is also banded and any books from home/local library. Remember to show an interest, have discussions and ask questions! Thank you to everyone who is reading and signing the reading record each night :)
Spellings -5mins each day
Every child will bring home a list of spellings to learn each week. These are given out on a Monday. Mrs Dooley will explain the spelling rule to the children and the following week the children will have a quiz. Please take time to learn the words at home.
Times tables -5mins each day
In Year 2 the children worked on their 2, 5 and 10 times tables. This year we will begin looking at the 3, 4 and 8 times tables. Please help your child at home- short sessions are best. The children can use TTRockstars to practise at home so please let me know if you need help logging in. Also, watch out for any TTRockstars Battles beginning. We will keep you updated about this via the website and Teams.

Some children may be given additional, indidual tasks to support them with their learning. These can be handed in or returned via Teams on Friday along with core homework.

Thank you again for your support!

Miss Alexander and Team Year 3

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