Sacramental Programme

Parish Priest: Fr.Martin Kershaw

Parochial Administrator: Fr. Michael Harwood

Address: Howards La, Saint Helens WA10 5HJ

Phone: 01744 28196

Masses: Please see current parish bulletins for times of mass and confession


Sacramental Programme: With you always

Jesus spoke to them... 'and know that I am with you always; yes, to the end of time.' (Matthew 28:20)

The sacramental programme, 'With You Always', is used to prepare children for the sacraments. Meetings are held in school, as outlined below. Children will work on booklets which will be shared with parents, to complete at home. Parents/carers of children in Year 4 who have been baptised and wish their child to receive the Sacraments of Reconcilliation (First Confession) and the Eucharist (First Holy Communion) are invited to start their Sacramental journey through a series of workshops as outlined in the information document below. "Sacramental Preparation for Year 4"

Parents '...will be the first teachers of their children in the ways of faith.  May they also be the best of teachers bearing witness to the faith by what they say and do...' (Rite of Baptism)


Altar Servers

We are fortunate to have several children who are altar servers at church. If your child has made their First Holy Communion and would like to be an altar server (or would simply like to see what happens), please speak to Fr Michael or Mrs McCahey.


Little Church

Families are warmly welcomed in all aspects of parish life. In order to help children to participate fully and meaningfully in mass, those aged 3 years and above are invited to attend Little Church during mass. Please see the document below, 'Little Church Invitation' for further information.


History of St Julie RC Church, Eccleston

The following website provides an interesting history of the church:

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