Reception 2024 - 2025

Mrs Ashcroft

Hello Everyone and Welcome to Reception Class Page,

PE will take place everyTuesday, all children should have a PE bag in school with full kit, including shorts, t-shirt, tracksuit and pumps. Remember to label all items of clothing including coats with your childs name.

Water and Snacks

Every child should bring their own water bottle, labelled clearly with their name to school every day. Children can also bring a healthy snack for morning break, this can be fresh fruit or toast (NO CEREAL BARS.)

Health Care Needs

If your child has any long term medication that is prescribed by a GP, can you please send into school so that staff are aware. We would also require you to fill out a short consent form. Also please notify school if your child has any allergies. We are able to give Piriton to children who have allergies such as Hayfever as long as it is prescribed by a GP.

School Dinners

If you wish your child to have a hot dinner they will have two menu options, please look at the menu with your child beforehand so that they are aware of the choices. If you would prefer your child to have a packed lunch please send into school in a small wipeable lunch box. Please only send a portion that you know your child will eat. A copy of the current Lunch Menu  is in the Files section below.

Cold Weather

Dont forget as the weather gets colder to make sure your child's name is labelled on every item of clothing they bring to school, hats , scarves etc. As the chidren will be accessing outdoors in all weathers please feel free to send in spare wellingtons for the children to wear on wet and muddy days.

If you have questions or concerns please email or telephone the school office and all messages will be passed onto class teachers

Keep in touch on the class blog and most importantly look after yourself and your family.

Mrs Ashcroft.      Mrs Slocombe        Mrs Balmer     

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EYFS Marvellous Maths, by Mrs Mooney

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