Mission Statement, Aims and School Values



Our Gospel values are at the heart of the life of our school family as we journey in the footsteps of Jesus.

Gospel values and our school core values are reflected in our day-to-day life at St Julie Catholic Primary school.


In consequence of our school mission it is a fundamental aim of St. Julie’s to be an inclusive school. To be a school which:
•    Is a caring community
•    Provides and respects equal opportunities
•    Offers partnership between school, parents and parish
•    Reflects upon the teachings of Christ and puts them into practice
•    Values all of the school community
•    Its members show respect for themselves, each other and their learning environment.

We define an inclusive school as one where:
•    Everyone, irrespective of age, gender, ability or disability, race or religion is encouraged and given equal opportunity to participate in the full life of the school
•    All of the school community are given the opportunity and support to achieve their true potential
•    All of the school community, and the contributions they make to the life of the school, are valued; everyone is treated with mutual respect, care and consideration 
•    Everyone feels empowered to play a full and effective role in the school.

Our School Values 

Respect is treating each other how you would want to be treated and caring for the world around us. We have good manners, are thoughtful and kind and celebrate diversity.

Unity is working together as a team for the good of all.

Resilience is showing determination in everything that we do by learning from mistakes and never giving up.

Love is showing kindness and forgiveness to all. We show love towards everyone around us and everything that God has created.

Honesty is understanding and following the values of right and wrong by walking in the footsteps of Jesus. We are truthful at all times.

Hope is something we show through positive aspirations in our learning and friendships. We always aim to be the best we can be. 


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