Year 5 2024 - 2025

Mrs McCahey


Mrs McCahey

Mrs Johnson

Mrs Gilchrist

Miss Wood

Mr Woodward

The Year 5 teaching team



Dear parents and children,

Welcome to YEAR 5!

We have a busy and exciting year ahead of us. I hope that the information on this page will help you throughout the year. 

If you are worried about school or your work, then please tell us. We will probably be able to sort out your worries and have you smiling again!

The information below outlines what we are learning and some of our routines.


What we are learning

At the top of this page are tabs linking to the subjects taught in Year 5. Each contains useful links and information for the subject.

Knowledge organisers can be viewed in the files for History, Geography, Art, Science and Music.  These are useful tools to support the children in their learning. They outline key vocabulary, facts and the 'Sticky Knowledge' that we want the children to remember. 

  • Please look at these with your children to help them remember their learning
  • What facts can they remember?
  • Can they explain the meaning of key vocabulary?
  • Go back and practise learning from knowledge organisers from earlier in the year
  • Go back to previous year groups - what can children remember from previous years?



  • You do not need to bring pencil cases or bags to school. PE kits/ reading bags can be left in the cloakroom
  • You do not need a pencil case -school will provide all that you need
  • Look on TEAMS to find out when homework/tests/reading will be set
  • PE - Tuesday
  • Games - Friday (please make sure that you have full kit)
  • All pupils will need a water bottle - we are unable to provide drinking cups



In the files below is a copy of our weekly timetable. At times this may change slightly in order to meet particular curriculum needs.  This will replace Friday PE.



Work is set in line with the school homework policy.

The following work is set by Mrs McCahey on Monday and is to be returned the following Monday:

Maths and English (this may include some research)

Miss Wood will set spelling homework on Tuesday, to be completed for a spelling test the following Tuesday.


Homework notifications are sent out on TEAMS. As far as possible, please return work via TEAMS or on My Maths.

If there are any problems with homework, please let me know as soon as possible.



Reading is part of our homework. Children should read at least 5 times a week for at least 10 minutes . Even in Y5, children benefit from reading with an adult. For many at this age, the focus will be the discussion which emerges from the reading, rather than just reading out loud. Please initial your child's reading record in order that it can be monitored by the teacher in class. 

Children can change their books any day they wish. However, I ask that children bring their reading book and record into school on specific days in order to help me monitor their progress. The following groups are based on childrens guided reading groups in school:

Red - Monday

Orange - Tuesday

Yellow - Wednesday

Green - Thursday

Purple and Blue - Friday



Could parents please make sure that any medication has been sent to school (and check that it has not expired).


When working on Purple Mash, please be careful and make sure that you open YOUR folder and NOT somebody else's by accident! If you are working on a project that you started in school, you will need to save it again under a new name of your own or else your partner could accidentally change any new work that you have added to it at home. I look forward to seeing your wonderful work!


St Julie pray for us, protect us and bless us,


God Bless,


Files to Download

Year 5: School News items

There are no School News items to display

Year 5: Blog items

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Year 5: Gallery items

There are no Gallery items to display

Year 5: School Calendar items

Y3/Y5 Class Mass, by Mrs Mooney

Y5 Swimming, by Mrs Mooney

Student Login