Year 2 2024 - 2025

Mrs Mannion

Welcome to Year 2's class page!
We are so happy to welcome you all to Year 2.
Below is some Key Information for Year 2

General information

Home Reading

We greatly value reading and recognise how important it is to help children to learn and make progress. We are very grateful to parents/carers for their support with reading at home. Books will come home on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.


This term we have our indoor P.E. lesson on Wednesday and outdoor lesson on a Thursday. Outdoor kit can be sent in as the weather gets cooler.

Water bottles and snacks

Your child should bring their named water bottle to school every day. Children can also bring a healthy snack for morning break. This can be fresh fruit or toast.

What we are learning

At the top of this page are tabs linking to the subjects taught in Year 2. Each contains useful links and information for the subject.


Knowledge organisers can be viewed in the files. These are useful tools to support the children in their learning. They outline key vocabulary, facts and the 'Sticky Knowledge' that we want the children to remember. 


Please look at these with your children to help them remember their learning

What facts can they remember?

Can they explain the meaning of key vocabulary?

Go back and practise learning from knowledge organisers from earlier in the year

Go back to previous year groups - what can children remember from previous years?


If you have any questions or want to speak with us, please feel free to send an email to school or call us on the telephone.
Mrs Mannion, Miss Wood and Mrs Smith.

Files to Download

Year 2: School News items

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Year 2: Blog items

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Year 2: Gallery items

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Year 2: School Calendar items

Y2 Marvellous Maths, by Mrs Mooney

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