Young Carers and Rainbows
Identifying and supporting young carers at St Julie Catholic Primary School
At St Julie’s we are aware that some of our pupils are young carers. A young carer is:
someone under 18 who is caring unpaid for a family member or friend who is ill, frail, disabled or has mental health or addiction problems.
They often take on practical and/or emotional caring responsibilities that would normally be expected of an adult. Research suggests there are at least 700,000 young carers in the UK but many do not realise they are a young carer.
We know that young carers may need a little extra support to enjoy and do well at school. At St Julie’s we are committed to ensuring that all pupils who are young carers are identified, and supported effectively.
Support is available! Please contact:
Mrs Ashcroft or Mrs McCahey
If you think your child might be a young carer or could be affected by any of the issues highlighted, please contact Mrs Ashcroft/ Mrs McCahey or ring the school on 01744 678233.
We aim to actively support young carers in school through a variety of provision.
Lunchtime drop in sessions for pupils are available in the computer room (12.50-1.10). Pupils can call in for a chat or help with their homework.
A pupil information board in the foyer provides details of key staff and drop in sessions.
The school nurse can be contacted for information and support.
An annual 'Young carers Day' raises awareness of issues confronting young carers and helps to raise funds for our local Young Carers group.
A staffroom information board keeps staff up to date with school and local provision for children.
Governors have signed a pledge confirming their commitment to young carers at St Julie's. This promise can be viewed in the documents below.
For more details see the St Helens Young Carers website
The information and videos below, can further help understanding of young carers.
Rainbows provides emotional support for small groups of children. We currently have two groups operating, supporting Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 children. The groups work on age relevant materials which form a structured 12 – 14 week programme. Rainbows supports self-esteem, trust, confidence and resilience, whilst promoting positive emotional development and healthy relationships.
This is what some of our children said about Rainbows in Key Stage 1:
"I like Rainbows because we get to talk about happy memories."
"Rainbows is a lovely place to come because you can talk about anything and it helps you!"
"It makes me feel more confident and it makes me feel so happy."
Our Key Stage 2 children said:
"Rainbows makes me feel calm and thankful. It is a nice experience for me."
"It makes me feel a bit better and more confident than I did before and it's really fun."
"It makes me feel more confident. Sometimes it's nice to talk to someone."
Rainbows Bereavement GB Support Group - below is an updated link from Rainbows to support families during this difficult time.
If you feel that your child(ren) would benefit from Rainbows, please contact your class teacher for further information.