Year 1 2024 - 2025

Mrs Kernick



A very warm welcome to our Year 1 page. 

During the beginning of the Autumn Term the children have settled well into their new class room, routines and expectations in Year 1.  This page will have all the information you need to know what your child will be learing in Year 1 and we will continue to give updates and announcements on our class Teams page.  Remember on Teams you will also find the 'Time to Shine' Channel were you can post pictures and updates of the children's acheivements out of school for us to share.

We hope that we can all work together to learn, grow and walk in the footsteps of Jesus developing our core values of respect, unity, resillience, honesty, love and hope.

Please remember if you have any questions or issues we are only a phone call or email away or alternitively pop and see us at hometime and we will do our best to help.



Below is some Key Information for Year 1


General Information

Home Reading

We greatly value reading and recognise how important it is to help children to learn and progress. We are very grateful to parents/carers for their support with reading at home. To help you record your child's progress when reading at home you will find a Reading Record booklet in their blue book bag.  Each time your child reads at home please note down what they have read and make a comment in this book; school staff will monitor home reading engagement through this in school.  The children should bring their book bag to school daily and will take home a phonetically decodable book on a Monday and Friday evening and a 'reading for pleasure' library book on a Wednesday.  

BookTrust: Getting children reading | BookTrust

Each week the children will take part in an adult lead guided reading session in school.  This will be recorded on a yellow reading card which will be brought home for you to see on a Friday.  This is just for your information to see how the children have read in school, please sign the box next to the teacher's comment each week to show you have read the comment.  This must be brought back to school on Monday ready for the staff to use during the week.

As a school we have also subscribed to a fantastic online book resources called 'Bug Club'.  These books are based on phonics and will help the children develop and practise their phonics at their level.  We ask that children read two of these allocated books each week as part of their homework time as they guide the chidlren to use their comprehension skills.



All children need to have their full PE kits in school. PE lessons will take place inside and outside; so as well as your child's PE kit and pumps can you please send in an outdoor kit.  From time to time, the children may also be asked to bring a pair of wellies to school, but you will be notified of this via TEAMS.


Water bottles and snacks

Your child should bring their named water bottle to school every day. Children can also bring a healthy snack for morning break. This can be fresh fruit or toast.

What to expect when you order fresh fruit for your office on a Monday  morning - Office Fruit


What we are learning

At the top of this page are tabs linking to the subjects taught in Year 1. Each contains useful links and information for the subject.

Knowledge organisers can be viewed in the files for History, Geography, Art, Science, D/T and Music.  These are useful tools to support the children in their learning. They outline key vocabulary, facts and the 'Sticky Knowledge' that we want the children to remember. 

  • Please look at these with your children to help them remember their learning
  • What facts can they remember?
  • Can they explain the meaning of key vocabulary?
  • Go back and practise learning from knowledge organisers from earlier in the year
  • Go back to previous year groups - what can children remember from previous years?

If you have questions or concerns please email or telephone the school office and all messages will be passed onto class teachers


St Julie pray for us, protect us and bless us,



God Bless,

Mrs Kernick, Mrs Slocombe, Mrs Whitter and Mrs Gilchrist 








Files to Download

Year 1: School News items

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Year 1: Blog items

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Year 1: Gallery items

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Year 1: School Calendar items

Y1 Carols, by Mrs Mooney

Infant Christmas Party, by Mrs Mooney

Student Login