Visiting a Mosque.
Date: 27th Feb 2017 @ 1:56pm
What a busy morning Reception class had today. We went to St Helens Mosque and met a lady called Saba, who taught us all about Muslim people. We learnt lots of new and interesting things. We had to take our shoes off when we went inside the Mosque, we thought the Mosque looked just like a house from the outside, with lots of snowdrops in the garden. Saba had lots of headscarves and hats for us to dress up in, it was so much fun, Mrs Ashcroft chose a red head scarf to wear. We went into two different prayer rooms and Saba read us a prayer in Arabic, from the very special Muslim Book, the Qur'an. We talked about our special book, the Bible and told Saba that we are learning a special prayer called the Our Father. The whole class, including Howard, had a great time and arrived back at school just in time for lunch.😃