Stone Age Experience Day

WOW! What an experience. On Friday Miss Pratt took us to Delamere Forest and we met Talan, he had travelled from the Stone Age. We had an amaing time. We sat around the fire and listened to Talan talk about his life. He showed us tools he used in the past and what jobs he used them for.

We ran around the forest collecting photos and sorted them into stone age and present day. Talan said we were the best school he'd had take part.

As part  of this we talked about the art work from the stone age. We modelled a piece of clay in to a sphere and then flattened it into a circle. We used sticks to draw patterns and designs onto it before Talan put it next to the fire to dry.

Using a VERY long piece of string Talan showed us how long humans have been on planet Earth compared to Earths history!

In the afternoon we sat around the camp fire and Talan  showed us one of the most important tools that he would use: string. We used dried plants and twisted and crossed it to make it into a strong piece of string, it was quite trikcy but Talan was able to pick Lucy up using it! He said we could use the string with our clay to make a necklace.

He took us hunting for fish! First we had to collect a good spear for the job. We listened to the sounds around us.

Then he showed us how to make fire. After a long day and lots of learning it was time for the coach trip back to school and present day.

Please see the gallery for photos!

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